Press Release | 16 June 2023

World preview : Euro Airship reveals Solar Airship One mission A non-stop world tour flight without fossil fuels!  


Euro Airship, a company specialized in designing, constructing, and selling rigid airships, has chosen Viva Technology to announce the launch of Solar Airship One: a non-stop world tour flight with no fossil fuels and zero CO2 emissions. This unprecedented project will be the world's first demonstration of a completely new low-carbon mobility solution. To build the mobility of tomorrow, Euro Airship has been working for over 10 years with renowned partners such as Capgemini, Groupe La Poste and Orange, and others in convergence, to achieve the industrialization of a "zero-carbon" solution.

Reach « zero-carbon » mobility
Mobility, essential to society, represents a major challenge in terms of carbon emissions. Global warming, over-consumption of fossil fuels, traffic growth, CO2 emissions, transport and infrastructure costs are all the issues that need to be addressed. 

The aeronautical industry, for a long time now, has been confronted to these major challenges, due to its excessive dependence on fossil fuels and the scale of emissions produced by aircrafts. It is therefore urgent to rethink mobility solutions in order to develop technologies that are more efficient and, above all, more respectful of humankind and environment.

A new, innovative and sustainable air solution
Euro Airship, an innovative aeronautical company based in Pau, designs, manufactures and sells sustainable rigid airships. Relying on cutting-edge technical expertise and a passion for innovation, Euro Airship has pushed back the boundaries of aerial mobility. Their airships combine efficiency, elegance, and respect of the environment, and are powered by advanced technologies that guarantee safety and efficiency.

The different models are also designed to meet today's many challenges, with immediate industrial applications: transport, green tourism, freight, humanitarian aid, civil and military surveillance.

The Solar Airship One Project: air mobility enters the decarbonized era!
To promote a new sustainable mobility to the world, Euro Airship announces the launch of its project: Solar Airship One, the first non-stop world tour flight without fossil fuels. Scheduled for 2026, this epic journey will fly over 40,000 kms in 20 days, following a trajectory close to the equator at an average altitude of 6,000m. The solar airship developed by Euro Airship will fly without any noise, fossil fuel or CO2 emissions. This mission has been made possible thanks to the support of key partners and industrial players: Capgemini, Groupe La Poste, and Orange, as well as others in convergence. For the same reasons, Solar Airship One has brought together emblematic French aeronautical sponsors and pilots: Bertrand Piccard, Dorine Bourneton, Jean-Pierre Haigneré and Michel Tognini. Until the end of 2023, Euro Airship remains open to strategic collaborations with partners who are in line with their values on this unique project.

“The SolarAirship project demonstrates that it is possible to catalyze an ecosystem to foster the emergence of sustainable air transport solutions. After being an engineering partner at the heart of the development of Solar Impulse, we are delighted with this partnership emblematic of the work that our engineering teams are carrying out to accelerate the efficient integration of sustainable technologies.” said Corinne Jouanny, Head of Portfolio and Industry Centers of Excellence, Capgemini Engineering.  “For the past 3 years, our engineers and researchers have been working closely with Euro Airship on the design of this innovative airship: from the rigid structure, of the different envelopes, to the manufacturing and assembly processes, not forgetting the construction of a digital twin of the aircraft in flight, Capgemini's teams are putting their skills to work on this unprecedented challenge.”

"We've already supported Solar Impulse, notably through the creation of a stamp honoring the first solar airplane. Two years on, it's a natural step for La Poste to join this new Solar Airship One challenge. Firstly, because we are very proud to see a postal worker and the world's first paraplegic pilot, Dorine Bourneton, taking part in the adventure. And secondly, because Solar Airship One will be helping to promote a new form of sustainable mobility. At La Poste, we've been very committed to the ecological transition and sustainable finance for several years now," comments Marie-Aude Dubanchet, La Poste Group's Deputy Managing Director in charge of communications.

"Orange is proud to be part of the epic project, Solar Airship One; an ambitious, innovative and unifying project that ushers in the era of decarbonized mobility. This partnership is emblematic of our commitment to deploy the full potential of digital technology to support environmental transition in all sectors of activity. With this in mind, Orange will supply a low-orbit satellite communication system ensuring a secure and robust global link that meets the technical specifications needed and guarantees continuity of communications between the airship and the ground. Drawing on its innovation ecosystem, Orange will provide solutions and projects around AI, data and IoT. This will allow us to collect, analyse, and cross-reference observation data from the airship and its pilots. The avenues opened up by Solar Airship One for the future of sustainable and responsible mobility of people and goods are exciting " adds Elizabeth Tchoungui, Executive Director in charge of Corporate Social Responsibility for the Orange Group.

At the forefront of the aeronautical industry, Euro Airship is presenting a new, sustainable and versatile air transport solution that adress current and future societal challenges.



About Euro Airship 
Founded in 2010 by Jean Lescat and Marc Sénépart, Euro Airship is an innovative French company specialized in designing, constructing, and selling rigid airships. Based in Pau, in the heart of France's aviation region, Euro Airship designs, develops, and creates rigid airships for several markets including transport, sustainable tourism, cargo, humanitarian aid, civil and military surveillance. After more than 10 years of R&D, followed by three years of work with Capgemini, the Solar Airship One project is now in production. Its vocation is to be commercialized to industrials and general public. This revolutionary solar-powered demonstrator represents a new transport solution, respectful of nature and mankind, for innovative and sustainable air mobility. Websites :

About CapGemini
Capgemini is a global leader in partnering with companies to transform and manage their business by harnessing the power of technology. The Group is guided every day by its purpose of unleashing human energy through technology for an inclusive and sustainable future. It is a responsible and diverse organization of nearly 360,000 team members in more than 50 countries. With its strong 55-year heritage and deep industry expertise, Capgemini is trusted by its clients to address the entire breadth of their business needs, from strategy and design to operations, fueled by the fast evolving and innovative world of cloud, data, AI, connectivity, software, digital engineering, and platforms. The Group reported in 2022 global revenues of €22 billion.

About La Poste
La Poste is a state-owned public limited company, a subsidiary of Caisse des Dépôts and the French State. La Poste group is divided into four business units: Services-Mail-Parcels, Retail Customers and Digital Services, Geopost and La Banque Postale, which, with its subsidiary CNP Assurances, is the 11th largest banking and insurance company of the Euro zone.   La Poste Groupe has four public service missions that shape its identity: universal postal service, regional development, banking accessibility,nd press transport and delivery. Committed to its regional coverage, La Poste relies on a delivery network of over 35,600 retail outlets, including 17,300 contact points (post offices, local postal agencies, retail pickup points) and 18,300 points of access to postal services (Pickup, business centres, lockers and the parcel drive-thru collection service).  La Poste group delivers over 17 billion items worldwide (letters, printed advertising media and parcels), six days a week.  In 2022, La Poste group generated €35.4 billion in revenue (44% outside France) and had a headcount of 238,000, in more than 60 countries over 5 continents, of which 184,000 in France. As a mission-driven company since June 2021 and a leader in environmental transition and sustainable finance, La Poste group aims to achieve "zero net emissions" by 2040. Through its strategic plan “La Poste 2030, committed for you”, the company has set itself the goal of becoming the leading European platform for links and exchanges, providing digital, people-oriented, green and

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Orange est l’un des principaux opérateurs de télécommunications dans le monde, avec un chiffre d’affaires de 40,3 milliards d’euros en 2024 et 127 000 salariés au 31 décembre 2024, dont 71 000 en France. Le Groupe servait 291 millions de clients au 31 décembre 2024, dont 253 millions de clients mobile et 22 millions de clients haut débit fixe. Ces chiffres tiennent compte de la déconsolidation de certaines activités en Espagne liées à la création de la co-entreprise MASORANGE. Le Groupe est présent dans 26 pays (y compris les pays non consolidés).
Orange est également l’un des leaders mondiaux des services de télécommunications aux entreprises multinationales sous la marque Orange Business. En février 2023, le Groupe a présenté son plan stratégique « Lead the Future », construit sur un nouveau modèle d’entreprise et guidé par la responsabilité et l’efficacité. « Lead the Future » capitalise sur l’excellence des réseaux afin de renforcer le leadership d’Orange dans la qualité de service.

Orange est coté sur Euronext Paris (symbole ORA).
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