Press Release | 05 February 2024

Orange Business launches Circular Mobility offer in France to reduce carbon footprint of mobile fleets, with AFNOR-certified calculation method

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  •  Circular Mobility offer, based on circular economy principles, enables businesses to limit the carbon footprint of mobile fleets
  • This comprehensive solution provides a full set of elements, including equipment, connectivity, as well as financing and Orange Reprise services
  • The method and data employed for carbon footprint calculations have been validated by AFNOR Certification

Orange Business is committed to reducing the ecological impact of its operations by mobilizing partners and supporting customers in their sustainable digital transformation. The introduction of "Circular Mobility" aligns with this commitment, aiming to curtail the carbon footprint associated with telecom usage and respond to the evolving expectations of consumers and citizens. This innovation is part of the "Re" : Recyclage, Reconditionné, Reprise program, which supports the circular, social and solidarity economy, as well as the Orange Group's CSR commitment.

The offer integrates equipment, connectivity, and a multitude of services, including a carbon footprint assessment of the mobile fleet. This assessment is carried out by Orange Business and based on a calculation method and data validated by AFNOR Certification, the French leader in third-party certification auditing.

A complete, tailor-made offer for committed companies

Circular Mobility, an offer that covers all stages of the equipment lifecycle, spanning manufacturing, logistics, usage, and return for a second life.

The Circular Mobility offer includes:

  • A selection of sustainable mobile phones, composed of refurbished and new terminals with a reduced carbon fotprint -- less than 50 kg carbon equivalent in manufacturing. The offer of new terminals currently includes 30 models from various brands, such as Apple, Crosscall, and Samsung.
  • Mobile fleet leasing (Mobile Leasing): Using a circular economy approach, this service allows customers to lease a fleet that will be returned after 24 or 36 months, depending on the chosen package;
  • Old Mobile Fleet Collection and Recovery: Through the Orange Reprise service, a systematic process is in place to guarantee the reconditioning or recycling of terminals, in compliance with the social and environmental criteria set by Orange Business;
  • The Orange Business Performance Major Customers Package offers flexibility in adapting the data plan to match the actual consumption of businesses, promoting efficient usage;
  • Carbon Footprint Assessment: An evaluation of the mobile solution's carbon footprint, with the calculation method and data validated by AFNOR Certification, aligning with ISO and international standards.

By incorporating Circular Mobility, businesses and organizations can spread their investments over time and preserve their cash flow, while benefiting from the latest, most efficient technologies and adopting a more eco-responsible approach to consumption.

Reducing the carbon impact of telecoms use by up to 40

Circular Mobility facilitates an annual reduction of the carbon footprint of mobile phones, by 26 to 40%. Orange Business has evaluated this by assessing the carbon footprint based on several use cases. The first, considered the reference scenario, has a carbon footprint of 26.5 kg per year and per handset. This includes the use of a new handset purchased outright and used for 24 months, with a consumption of 8GB of data per month, without the handset being taken back at the end of use.

Two alternative use cases are:

  • The Classic scenario (24 months), with a combination of new and leased refurbished terminals, consuming 8GB of data per month and collected at the end of use. The carbon footprint is estimated at 19.43kg per year and per terminal.
  • The Serenity scenario (36 months), with the same usage characteristics as the 24-month Classic scenario, but with a longer holding period. The carbon footprint is estimated at 15.83 kg per year and per terminal.

"Circular Mobility aligns with the ecological transition of organizations, necessitating robust guarantees by validating the calculation method, supporting databases, and the output data format. This validation is based on reference standards and other key texts related to life cycle analysis, carbon footprint calculation, communication, etc.," explained Béatrice Poirier, Head of the Ecological Transition Division at AFNOR Certification.

"Today more than ever, sustainable production and consumption have become strategic imperatives for everyone. The CSR policy at Orange is at the core of this issue. Orange Business is working with the entire Orange Group toward the goal of collecting 30% of mobile phones for reuse or recycling by 2025. Our overarching objective is to champion the circular economy through eco-design, collection, refurbishing, repair, recycling, and increasing the overall lifespan of our products," concluded Aliette Mousnier-Lompré, CEO, Orange Business.

To find out more, consult the Circular Mobility study report validated by AFNOR Certification:

Orange is committed to collecting 30% of mobiles sold in each European country (Reprise). In addition, Orange has set up the ‘Collecte citoyenne et solidaire’, in partnership with Emmaüs International.

The figures for the reduction in the carbon impact of the Circular Mobility offer are based on the results of the study conducted by Orange Innovation, with a confidence index of 1.84, i.e. a "good" confidence index. These figures will be reassessed in the future to reflect the reality of the market.

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À propos d’Orange

Orange est l’un des principaux opérateurs de télécommunications dans le monde, avec un chiffre d’affaires de 39,7 milliards d’euros en 2023 et 128 000 salariés au 30 septembre 2024, dont 71 000 en France. Le Groupe servait 292 millions de clients au 30 Septembre 2024, dont 253 millions de clients mobile et 22 millions de clients haut débit fixe. Ces chiffres ont été retraités à la suite de la déconsolidation de certaines activités en Espagne liées à la création de la co-entreprise MASORANGE. Le Groupe est présent dans 26 pays (y compris les pays non consolidés).
Orange est également l’un des leaders mondiaux des services de télécommunications aux entreprises multinationales sous la marque Orange Business. En février 2023, le Groupe a présenté son plan stratégique « Lead the Future », construit sur un nouveau modèle d’entreprise et guidé par la responsabilité et l’efficacité. « Lead the Future » capitalise sur l’excellence des réseaux afin de renforcer le leadership d’Orange dans la qualité de service.

Orange est coté sur Euronext Paris (symbole ORA).
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