Press Release | 29 October 2024

Orange Middle East and Africa and Mastercard partner to digitize payments for millions across Africa by 2025 

Partnership to empower millions of Orange Money wallets with digital payments by 2025, boosting financial inclusion in seven countries

Orange Middle East and Africa (OMEA) and Mastercard have announced a strategic partnership to expand access to mobile financial services across Sub-Saharan Africa. This collaboration, one of the largest of its kind in the region, is set to enable millions of Orange Money wallet holders to access digital payments through Mastercard’s global network of merchants by 2025. The partnership will be rolled out in seven countries including Cameroon, Central African Republic, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Senegal and Sierra Leone.

With only 48% of the adult population in Africa banked, according to the African Digital Banking Transformation Report, the collaboration between Orange and Mastercard is designed to accelerate financial access, contributing to the financial empowerment of underserved communities. Orange Money customers will be able to instantly obtain a virtual or physical debit card, linked directly to their Orange Money wallets. These cards will allow seamless payments both locally and internationally, enabling transactions with local merchants and on any website or mobile app that accepts Mastercard. Customers can easily request their virtual debit card via Max it—Orange’s Super App—and collect a physical card at a designated Orange Money Mastercard point of sale. 

Speaking on the partnership, Aminata Kane, CEO Orange Money Group, Middle East and Africa, said: "This collaboration is an opportunity to bring top notch innovation to our customers, allow to pay with the Mastercard card linked to their Orange Money wallet when they travel internationally, and give them access to online shopping all over the world, in a simple and secure way. By offering our users the ability to pay effortlessly with Mastercard virtual card, we open the door to a world of new possibilities and promote their financial independence."  

Amnah Ajmal, Executive Vice President Market Development, Mastercard EEMEA said: “At Mastercard, we are committed to advancing financial inclusion by leveraging cutting-edge technology to create meaningful, scalable impact. Our collaboration with Orange Money represents a significant step in unlocking the full potential of digital financial services across Africa, enabling millions to participate in the global economy. This collaboration is a testament to our vision to building an inclusive digital ecosystem that leaves no one behind.”

Orange’s extensive reach—more than 160 million customers and 37 million active Orange Money accounts in 17 countries in Africa and the Middle East—has already proven to be a crucial enabler of financial inclusion. By offering simple and secure transfers, payments tools, and other financial services via mobile phones, Orange Money has brought affordable, reliable, and accessible financial solutions to individuals who were previously excluded from the formal financial system.

The collaboration further strengthens Mastercard’s position as a trusted technology partner for telecommunications companies in Africa. The company’s extensive expertise in securing payment gateways, local market know-how, and tailored solutions for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) supports growth, innovation, and financial inclusion across the continent. This partnership also supports Orange’s broader strategy to offer more efficient and seamless payment solutions to its customers, further boosting financial inclusion and supporting Africa’s digital transformation.  

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À propos d’Orange

Orange est l’un des principaux opérateurs de télécommunications dans le monde, avec un chiffre d’affaires de 39,7 milliards d’euros en 2023 et 128 000 salariés au 30 septembre 2024, dont 71 000 en France. Le Groupe servait 292 millions de clients au 30 Septembre 2024, dont 253 millions de clients mobile et 22 millions de clients haut débit fixe. Ces chiffres ont été retraités à la suite de la déconsolidation de certaines activités en Espagne liées à la création de la co-entreprise MASORANGE. Le Groupe est présent dans 26 pays (y compris les pays non consolidés).
Orange est également l’un des leaders mondiaux des services de télécommunications aux entreprises multinationales sous la marque Orange Business. En février 2023, le Groupe a présenté son plan stratégique « Lead the Future », construit sur un nouveau modèle d’entreprise et guidé par la responsabilité et l’efficacité. « Lead the Future » capitalise sur l’excellence des réseaux afin de renforcer le leadership d’Orange dans la qualité de service.

Orange est coté sur Euronext Paris (symbole ORA).
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